Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Carol, Kelly and Rover

My friend Carol has always called me “Connie Connie Bo Bonnie…” from the 1960’s Shirley Ellis song “Name Game”…it’s sort of her “signature” call sign. Carol is in the hospital, so I decided to call her husband Tex to see how she was doing.

“Hi, this is Connie?”

He hesitated a moment and then said, “Connie Connie Bo Bonnie?”

Filled my heart with glee!

I got a phone call the next day and noticed it was from Carol’s home and I thought maybe she was home from the hospital so I picked up the receiver and enthusiastically exclaimed,

“Hi, I’ve been thinking about you all day!” Tex coyly said, “You have?”

The other night daughter Kelly, who lost her job a couple of weeks ago, called and said, “You got any ice cream?” After a momentary hesitation I squealed, “You got a new a job!!!”

When we got home from Texas at Christmas our cat Rover was missing. I wrote about our cat. I assure you that we in no way put our cats in harms way; they have a cat door for when we're away and have been most careful all the years they've lived here. We have grieved for Rover and miss him a lot, but can't bring him back and know the dangers of living in the boonies in spite of the dangers and heartaches and hardships you all know we go through. We had a lot of laughs with Rover (just his name should tell you a lot!)...

I assumed the coyotes got him, but Jack said maybe the humongous owl that roosts in our trees might have taken off with him. I’ve never seen this big tan owl up close, but I’ve seen him soaring over the road at night on our way home from some place or another. Today I went outside to jump start the water pump - so I could do the laundry - and heard a strange whirring sound, not the pump. The loud buzz saw sound was coming from the trees. I looked up into the branches, but the owl nest is hard to see and I just couldn’t find him, but after listening carefully I've come to the conclusion that our tree tenant has a cold.